
View some of the samples
Error Analysis while performing Sequence Labelling for NLP
[Machine Learning - 2018]
Link: Sequence Labelling and error analysis.
- vsmlib to process word embedding models.
- Acheived 90% accuracy using sklearn multinomail Logistic Regression classifier.
- Achieved 97% accuracy with sklearn MLP neural network classifier
- Dataset: CONLL-2003 Shared Task English
- Lead the team and strived for active participation from them, helped them understand the underlying concepts
Travel Buddy App – [Internet and Web Systems - 2017]
Link: Travel Buddy App
- Used MEAN stack, Mongoose for schema definition,
- Deployed successfully on Heroku, using nmp start in dyno. Web-Scaling: 1
- Created upwards of 9 components, following MVC design patterns and RESTful APIs,
- Components Include:
- Home
- Social Login
- Trips management
- Profile
- Buddies
- About us
- Meet the Team
- Lead the team and strived for active participation from them,
THREEjs Demos – [Computer Graphics I - 2017]
Link: Computer Graphics Assignments/THREEjs Demos/jQuery Interactive
- Created various graphical representations for various assignments and finals.
- Used THREEjs, MVC design pattern, gave the user a complete set of buttons to work with views
- Industry standard code with ample documentation was provided.
RADAR-IMU system for 3D-DIC measurements using remotely paired UAVs – [FALL 2017 – SPRING 2018]
Link: IMU-RADAR system for 3D-DIC
- Ran experiments to calibrate a system composing of RADAR-FMCWR3400W/04, IMU-ICM 20948-STM 32 Nucleo64 interface.
- Used pySerial and pandas to receive data from RADAR/IMU, plotting through mathplotlib, data processing using numpy.
- Created interfacing software to include a RaspberryPI at the center of the system as a processing unit.
- Packaged with self-generated user manual.
Barcode Item Scanner System – [FALL 2016]
Link: py+MQTT - Barcode Item Scanner System
- Scanning barcode through camera, encrypted through MQTT authorization
- Developed a secure item scanner system, using Raspberry Pi and secured the data transmission using Mosquitto MQTT broker with certificate-based authentication.
- I learnt to create MQTT based authentication for a IOT network. I learnt the use of certificates.
Contra Game AI - Created an AI agent for a level of the game Contra – [FALL 2016]
Coming soon- Created a simple agent to automate the gameplay for a game level developed by some external resource, using C++ and their game engine.
- Concept: Simple Reflex agents/ Evaluation function etc.
Prime number generator – Simple Machine learning project – [SPRING 2018]
Coming soon- Created a prime number checker and generator using Support Vector Machines to train.
- Used 100 consequent numbers to train and then used a validation set to check accuracy which was at 91%.
Image Based Passwords – [Capstone 2015]
Coming soon- New type of authentication using Captcha as graphic passwords
- Three types of authentication, as a picture password, jigsaw puzzle, or button based.
- Used Bootstrap, WAMP and Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP.
- Captcha as Graphical Password research paper was used as a base design pattern reference.
Flight Database Management System – [2013]
- Flight booking application.
- It was a fully functional management app, with GUI and user input, lots of tabs, easy to use.
- Used VB6, ADODB, SQL.
Smokes Counter – [Personal]
Coming soon- Built android app to monitor smoking history. Android/Web TimeLine: Ongoing.